By Hello Nurse - 24/09/2012 04:32 - United States - El Macero

Today, a very attractive man asked me out. I'd have been flattered if I weren't the nurse assigned to his laboring wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 373
You deserved it 1 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call him out on it later, that's disrespectful :/

the_anti_hipster 7

Ouch. Look on the bright can say no and be rid of him. His wife, on the other hand...not so lucky.


Tell him no in front of his wife. That will teach him.

I realise this might be a long shot, but it could be worthwhile finding out a little more context to the situation. I've been happily married for 6 years, I'm also polyamorous, so I still have a long term girlfriend and new boyfriend. Everything is happy and I'm blessed to have these people in my life. Who knows, he might have been in a similar situation, and might also be a wonderful man! (Having said this, I know it's not common or the norm and much more likely that he is just a cheating sod... but it's always worth finding out).

No, it's not worth finding out. First, being polyamorous is not even CLOSE to the norm, so it's far more likely that he's just a cheating assbag. Second, even if they do have an open relationship, asking out the labour and delivery nurse during his wife's delivery is beyond disrespectful. It's downright disgusting, as is your suggestion.

angeleyes8675309 7

Then why are you married??!!! A marriage is a sacred bond between two people. Not FOUR!! Sheesh, you and my ex-husband MUST be best friends. There's no reason to make a commitment if all parties aren't willing to be committed!!! And does your wife have other partners?? I'm guessing not, therefore you probably DON'T have a happy marriage..

Chill out, the polyamory implies that everyone involved consents to the situation and is happy with it, meaning that her boyfriend / girlfriend / husband know about each other and accept the situation. It has then nothing to do with cheating. Cheating means having a relationship with another person when your current partner is not aware of it and would probably disapprove. Anyway, I agree that this guy is probably just a dirtball and I feel sorry for his wife. Even, if they are not together, it is beyond tactless to go on the hunt when she is in labor.

I'm confused- how can you be HAPPILY married, and still feel the need to have other boyfriends and girlfriends?? There must obviously be something lacking in your marriage if you have to find fullfillment in other places, and with other people.

This is purely wishful thinking on your part, the chances of the person in OPs FML being in that situation are almost nothing. And I have to say that this is what's wrong with society nowadays. People keep pushing the limits on morals and its just ****** up. You marry someone because you love them and only them. If you want to be with multiple people, you should not be married. I can't even believe this exists. If it ever becomes a norm, I'm blowing my brains out, because my faith in humanity will have by that time become destroyed.

perdix 29

Y'know. the wife's hoo-hah is going to be out of commission for about 6 weeks, so he's going to need a place to park his weenie in the meantime. You should explain this to the wife and ask her permission to date him just as the baby is crowning.

Or, better yet, give the guy a box of tissues, a bottle of lotion and tell him to use a laptop. Last thing that new mother with a sore hoo-hah wants to think about is the husband's weenie and it's selfish 'needs'.

hotforkegger 4
The_F3rris 11

Sucks to be that preggo. F her life.

If i were the wife i cuss him out 6 ways from sunday given the fact that im having his baby!!!!!!!!

......How classy of him. :p Even if he's in an open relationship, one would think maybe the birth of the child coming into his life should hold his attention for at least until his wife's actually given birth....? Sounds to me like he couldn't care less, and certainly not worth Anyone's time of day. :p

jarockstar27 10

I hope the wife sees this post. Thats to bad the dude is such an asshole that he doesntcare about his kids birth.....just were his penis is going to go next.....

How would she know it was about HER husband even if she did see it?