By dmvfail - 15/09/2011 00:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
By that guy - 18/11/2014 00:19
By unlicensed - 01/08/2012 16:20 - United States - Charlotte
By f.m. - 23/07/2018 16:00
By baddriver - 31/01/2012 17:17 - United States
Abort test! Abort test!
By Lindsey - 24/05/2014 15:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/11/2010 17:57 - Germany
Sticky situation
By AloneAtPerkins - 26/11/2020 03:58 - United States - West Bend
By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 05:06 - United States
By Brittany - 28/03/2012 02:38 - United States - Kerrville
One tiny mistake
By Anonymous - 02/06/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom - Coventry
Top comments
How do you use a stick shift wrong?
Their car didn't even have a stick shift
13- Believe it or not, I actually read the whole FML before posting. :P I was referencing the douche of an instructor's reason for failing OP.
I think she wanted you to shift her "stick".
32 - Ha. ha. ha. ha.
I think they fail people so easily on purpose. The more attemps it takes the more money they get.
It says on her profile that she is from Iran, but what she said is valid for most of the world except in the USA.
Yay for ease of use...
#39 yeah in most countries most cars are stick shift, therefore you must take your test with a stick shift car, I recently aproved mine (I'm from Ecuador, South America) and believe me its not the same as automatic transmission, it's easy to make shifts and stuff, but there are other issues when driving stick shift, for example it requires a certain amount of skill to pull out your car uphill, or even when you go over a speed bump you run the risk of your car turning off, of course that with a little practice it will be no problem once you get used to it. But believe me, when I was just learning, all those little thing were like hell, and it still takes some practice to do that stuff (specially the uphill part) when you try a new car. Its not the same to pull out uphill on a 1990s subcompact than on an SUV.
Sounds like a sticky shiftuation.
I never had to take a driving test at the DMV here in Texas. Hell, they GAVE me a drivers license after I had my permit for six months. Kinda a fail on their part?
Iran sucks
Lolol iran
spell AMERICA right if you you are going to brag about it asshole this is why everyone hates AMERICAns
That sucks I just finally passed my road test after 5 attempts
That's just wrong on so many levels, for her to do that!!
All driving tests I've heard of require records and paperwork. She had to have written down exactly why you failed. The car's license plate number should also be recorded on the paperwork. If you can prove that you were therefore wrongfully failed, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a re-test -- or even a pass retroactively if there was nothing else in your performance you could be failed for.
You forgot to go through the drive thru. Sit idle as she picked up her dry cleaning and your radio was not playing "working at the car wash"
Well there's you're problem!
Fuuuu I thought I would never see this day.
It happens to the best of us. Your forgiven.
Hahaha SOTY classic move!
I find an acorn every once in a while. :P
What the...?
...why not just complain to the folks inside the DMV, I find it hard to believe, if the situation was explained, they wouldn't help you out.
They will, but it will go something like this *Please proceed to window 6 to file a compliant... 2 hours later... oh i'm sorry sir you have to go window 8 to fill out a written complaint first, then come back here to speak with a supervisor if you still wish to formally submit your complaint... 2 weeks later via mail... sir we'd like to inform you your complaint was successfully submitted to a review panel, and we will inform you of their decision within 7 to 10 business days* DMV's SUCK.
Yeah seriously. My first test this lady started going at a two way stop when it wasn't her turn so I started to stop and at that same moment a gray car came out of nowhere from the parking lot next to us. Even though I was already pretty much stopped the test lady yelled "STOP!" and then lectured me on how they only give licenses to people who pay attention. She made me finish the rest of the test then said that "I failed back there" when she had to tell me to stop the car. She then wrote on my paper that I failed because I gave the other person at the stop sign my right of way. -_-
What the hell? How did she even land that job?
With her eyes closed, obviously.
It's the DMV, they live to make our lives suck. I think it's in the job description.
Damn, they sure can be picky. I remember my drivers test. Believe it or not, I hit one of the DMV workers within the first 2 minutes and still managed to pass.

See? You weren't using it at all.
How do you use a stick shift wrong?