By lohandork - 22/05/2016 17:33 - United Kingdom - Roehampton

Today, a motorist yelled at me for texting and driving. I was too ashamed to admit that I'd been admiring the bogey I'd just picked from my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 165
You deserved it 11 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drunk driving Talking and driving Drowsy driving Texting and driving Reading and driving Applying makeup and driving Road sex I never thought I'd have to add "Picking and driving" to my Stupid Things Only Idiots Do While Driving list.

Well, either way you were distracted. Try to be more careful!


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Sorry you're getting down-voted... You made me laugh anyway;)

TMO2142 25

Bad day today and i read this comment. Thanks for making me laugh

Well, either way you were distracted. Try to be more careful!

nonsensical 26

The dangers of picking your nose and driving... YDI for not being focused on the road.

Well, at least it wasn't a cop and you didn't get a ticket.

you were picking your nose and he thought you were texting? he should be careful on the roads himself #justsayin

The category your follow is in is glitches for me :(

The category for this post shows up as "fml.category.ui.11". At least it does for me.

I don't know why you are downvoted, your comment is correct: it is glitched

what the actual ****?! this story makes absolutely no ******* sense! is this what you call adults?!

Drunk driving Talking and driving Drowsy driving Texting and driving Reading and driving Applying makeup and driving Road sex I never thought I'd have to add "Picking and driving" to my Stupid Things Only Idiots Do While Driving list.

PePziNL 20

Talking and driving? Must be very boring driving with you... Aside from that, I agree with every point on your list.

He probably meant talking on the phone.

I think you forgot to add those who change clothes while driving, like my mom does. It drives me crazy!

What the ****? Get a tissue next time, that's nasty.