By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 20:16 - United States

Today, I picked the treadmill next to an old man so I could feel better about myself. He ran faster and longer than I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 059
You deserved it 36 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for being judgmental. There is a lot of older people that run and exercise to stay in shape and stay healthy.


Reyo 2

This translates to "Today, I tried to make myself feel superior by belittling someone only to find that they were better than me at the thing in which I was belittling them." Bully.

I agree with reyo jerk, YDI for being fat, mean and stupid bitch

blondebrunette11 4

YDI for being judgmental. There is a lot of older people that run and exercise to stay in shape and stay healthy.

OMG THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Like LOSE not gain weight! Or maybe work out so you have more energy!

They were at the gym for a reason, retard.

uh, not everyones goal is to lose weight.

DiminishedFifth 0
skyeyez9 24

I recently moved to the colorado springs area and hiked up a very steep hill locals call the incline. It took me an hour (one mile walk). I am in good shape but it kicked my butt. There was an old man (60's) who jogged straight up the hill and back down without stopping! The high elevation kicks your ass too until you get used to it. The old man beat all the younger guys up the hill.

strawberryhtty 0

YDI for actually posting this as and FML. I don't feel sorry for your stupid ass. Maybe quit your bitchin and do something about it you wouldn't be in this situation.