By Anonymous - 18/08/2016 20:44 - United States - High Point

Today, while driving to a client's home, I received a text. Since I loathe those who text and drive, I pulled into a convenience store's parking lot. While I was texting, a car sped into the lot, rear-ending my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 331
You deserved it 1 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You unwittingly starred in a rare pro texting-while-driving ad.

Michaelaarnett 22

Man that sucks. Hope you're okay op


1mo2mo 12

You got the car plate I hope...

chrisbeaudoin 26

I wonder if it was op's boyfriend's sister's grandma's cousin's great grand daughter.

Are you referencing the boyfriend's brother's girlfriend?

Michaelaarnett 22

Man that sucks. Hope you're okay op

That's terrible, but good for you for doing the right thing OP. This was just very unfortunate events that occurred. At least he hit you while you were parked, so completely his fault. I don't know the laws for North Carolina, but I really hope it's a state that makes the person at fault responsible to pay for everything.

You unwittingly starred in a rare pro texting-while-driving ad.

Good on you op for pulling over to text. Hopefully your not too banged up (:

melana09 19

You did the right thing. More then likely the driver who hit you was on the phone. Least it's their fault and not yours.

Doesn't seem like your fault, hopefully insurance should cover the damages.