By saywhatnow - 25/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, a man stopped me to tell me I was the most beautiful woman he'd seen all day. He promptly followed that up with: "Then again, you are the only woman I've seen today, so, it can only go up from here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 481
You deserved it 3 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joemk2012 0

Ask him if his tiny penis told him to say that.

ElMundio87 0


erowlyn 0

what a loser why did he stop you in the first place sorry fyl


That's just rude. He shouldn't have even said anything. Or just stopped at "you're the most beautiful woman I've seen all day. "

sarcdude 3

Ouchies. Well he did say you're beautiful.

Hahaha you ******* retards who press YDI!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, how can you possibly be so lonely that you say the she deserved it? You see, she didn't do ANYTHING to the man, which means she can't help it. I laughed out loud irl when I saw that 1 120 tards had pressed YDI... By the way, if she's ugly, then she can't help this either, so you can't seriously say that she deserves it and mean it. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. OP: I feel sorry for you, he was such a jerk.

kitten1323 19

how the hell is this an fml? "Today a man I dont even know said that I was ugly FML" seriously wtf? stop being so insecure

And... every man on FML proceeds to do this and giggle... :(

He probably had just came up with it/ saw it on TV and said it just to be a dick. I hope you didn't give him the reaction he wanted.

that_nerdy_sock 3

"Because the next woman you see may care what you say?"