By saywhatnow - 25/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, a man stopped me to tell me I was the most beautiful woman he'd seen all day. He promptly followed that up with: "Then again, you are the only woman I've seen today, so, it can only go up from here." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 481
You deserved it 3 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joemk2012 0

Ask him if his tiny penis told him to say that.

ElMundio87 0


Well, there are many ways to keep him from seeing any other women for the rest of the day so you can keep your title. I suggest duct tape.

ooohh...well im beautiful!! hahaha....!!! jk well it doesnt matter what other people think of you.. as long as you think ur beautiful...then its all

I bet he was bored and felt like making somebody feel bad, I do that sometimes

jchansfan 0

You should have kicked him hard in the crotch. Then we would have gotten to read "Today, I told a woman she was the most beautiful woman I had seen all day. I then added she was also the only woman I had seen all day and it could only get better. She kicked me in the Happy Sacks(you know, because that's what we call balls on FML... XD) in response. FML." lol :P

Bah, FYL for not having any sense of humour. The guy was just testing how much self-esteem you got; turns out it's negative!

Should have answered, "That's the funniest joke I've heard all day! Then again... etc."

FlaminYawn 0

every year I make odd New Year's Resolutions. A few years ago it was tell 100 strange girls they're beautiful but not hit on them. And it couldn't be girls that looked like they thought they were all that. I think I reached 77, mostly at the grocery store...