By thebigtwinkie - 10/09/2014 07:52 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, a guy tried to pick me up with the line, "You're ugly. Just kidding. You're my date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 474
You deserved it 3 984

thebigtwinkie tells us more.

thebigtwinkie 28

After thinking for a bit, I eventually thought he was kind of cute even though the line was absolutely awful, but he had good intentions so I faked a smile, not wanting to hurt his feelings. Oh, and I'm so happy that it's published!

Top comments

Then say "your dick is small, jk it's big, no it's tiny".


DogeMan 14

At least he did not say, I have lost my number can I have its

"You're clever. Just kidding, you're a creep, don't come near me."

I really think I need to go to Romania.. I can do better than that.

You shoulda said I'll give you a bj, jk, I'll give you a vassectomene

Dats te best pick up lyn eva im gon use it tonite!1!1!1!!!

species4872 19

Mmmm Even I wouldn't say something like that considering the insensitive, offensive, thoughtless prick that I am. Mainly because I'm not in Romania.