Great question

By Anonymous - 17/02/2021 05:01

Today, during my online class, I was answering my professor's question when my older sister slammed open the door to loudly say, "WHAT'S UP CHICKEN FUCKER?" My class heard. I hate online school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 013
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

Reply “WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU DUMB **** *****?!?!” Gotta be fast on the return quips. And who cares? Just explain your sister is an invalid and idiot and apologize on her behalf for being disruptive. I think people are given a bit more leeway in these times since conditions aren’t ideal. It’s not like she said something like “I got your STD results back, And it’s positive results!”


Wadlaen 23

At least you can search comfort from the chickens..?

coius 23

Reply “WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU DUMB **** *****?!?!” Gotta be fast on the return quips. And who cares? Just explain your sister is an invalid and idiot and apologize on her behalf for being disruptive. I think people are given a bit more leeway in these times since conditions aren’t ideal. It’s not like she said something like “I got your STD results back, And it’s positive results!”

ghostinflames 13

Hey Rod Farva! Never knew you had a sister. Apparently she's got the same brand of humor.

I wondered where South Park got the idea for their chicken ****** episode from. So what was up, chicken ******? And don't say your dick. I don't need the image.

Shouldve quickly threatened her with telling you parents about her only fans account. Even if she doesn't have one, everyone in your class now thinks she does