By Herman - 25/02/2010 00:57 - France

Today, a guy at work told me to, "Relax, dude", All. Day. Long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 901
You deserved it 5 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is only an FML if you lost your cool at the end of the day and proceeded to beat him to a bloody pulp with a stapler, then ended up involved in 3-hour high speed cop chase on the internet, and are now posting from the iPhone you managed to hide in your rectum before being incarcerated, where you are currently waiting for a 6'5 man named Blondie to come in and 'show you a good time'.


freaky_farzy 0
iamgoofymovie 0

This is an fml. Working with jerks repeating non-sense is stressful. It kinda messes with your head. eh?

Where's the rest of the story? You know, the part where OP gets his life ******? I didn't see it anywhere.

Were u receiving anal all day long? Tough job :

FeedtheBrood 0

I'm guessing that even if OP was fairly relaxed to begin with, being constantly told that he should relax probably made him a little agitated, giving the annoying person perceived justification for telling him to relax more. That's probably what screwed up his day.

I can see the other guy's FML. "Today at work, this high strung prick I work with wouldn't settle the **** down. Dude just needs to chill out or the rest of us won't be able to get our shit done."