By Anonymous - 22/07/2015 06:18

Today, a girl with a picture of One Direction as her desktop asked if I wanted to partner with her on a 70% law assignment. Two hours after saying no, I found out that she's a legal genius with a guaranteed job in the field and a near perfect GPA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 092
You deserved it 52 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boxbrandon11 20

Why would you say no because of their computer background?


Jflowers9296 14

She's better off without you I guess.

CanyonRose 16

Aaaand that's why you don't judge people by their interests. Ydi asshole.

jogihoppa8343 23

one should never judge a book by its cover.

Around four people before you have made the same comment as you, its safe to assume you will be down voted.

jogihoppa8343 23

yeah I am really sorry for that I've made a mistake here . actually I just happened read the fml without reading all the comments above and rushed down to make my own . later I realized that it was already there :P

You totally deserved that. Besides, what does liking One Direction have to do with intelligence? I love them and I'm fine.

Same goes for me. I'm hardly top-class material, but I passed out of school with fair grades, and know the difference between "your" and "you're", so I guess I'm not the worst, either.

Same I finished top of my class this year and I like one direction

Personally not a fan, but my roommate/best friend is. She's really smart and actually helps me with a lot of my own classes that she's not even in. Music taste does NOT equal intelligence. Two very separate parts of a person.

ArcheryArtist 20

That's what you get for judging people based on something so stupid. I would never shun someone because I didn't like the music they did

So many people saying OP deserved it. Have you SEEN the the audience at a One Direction concert? Practically rabid. Not to mention the Facebook fanpages and fanfictions.

Yes because everyone in a fanbase behaves exactly the same right? He does deserve it for being a judgemental douche

Um... Have you seen the audience at ANY concert? That's kinda just how they are...

"Rabid," meaning supporting a group of people they admire, you mean? Attend a football match and get back to me.

Well, her music taste is still shit. Next time stay away from fallacious reasoning (I.e. assuming music taste affects intellectuality and vice versa).

Never judge someones intelligence after their tastes.

I assume you're intelligent because you like "Young Frankenstein".

Talis99 26

YDI-that was rude. It shouldn't matter what people like on their own time (legal and consensual of course) and definitely shouldn't have affected this situation.