By Huge A Hole - 01/02/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, a girl I've had a huge crush on for a long time told another friend of ours to get a life. I, in my infinite genius responded that her mom needed to get a life. She ran out of the room bawling. I got slapped in the face and informed that her mom had died not long ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 682
You deserved it 39 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're a good man for sticking up for your friend. If she can throw out shit, then she needs to be able to take shit back. Sounds like she wouldn't turn out to be that great of a girlfriend anyway. move on, you can do better.

Uhhh, if you have such a huge crush on her why the hell don't you know her mom died? You don't know anything about her do you?


Uhhh, if you have such a huge crush on her why the hell don't you know her mom died? You don't know anything about her do you?

They didn't slap you, they high-fived your face!

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While it was uncalled for the girl was no better for insulting the friend. Both sides are at fault.

you're a good man for sticking up for your friend. If she can throw out shit, then she needs to be able to take shit back. Sounds like she wouldn't turn out to be that great of a girlfriend anyway. move on, you can do better.

well even so a your mom joke is about the worst possible.

I'm just sayin you can do better *just incase you don't know, it's margins room*

I say your mom jokes not to feel creative, I say them because I find them extremely hilarious and silly.

CrazyJohny 0

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And how exactly, was op supposed to know? If that girl can be throwing out insults she needs to be able to handle the comeback.

0 3

I am sorry, but this is hilarious and made me laugh out loud.

That's awful, as is ant mom joke. But I lol'd at your pain. I feel superior to you now. Thank you for fueling my already overinflated ego.

necomni 0

Yeah, done that one. D: And he's one of my best friends. I was at the funeral, for Chrissake. He didn't react that way, but...