By CapNCook - 24/07/2013 09:15 - United States - Chicago

Today, a co-worker verbally abused me because I yawned. His excuse was that, "It's contagious". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 134
You deserved it 4 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have replied "thank goodness stupidity isn't or we'd all be screwed because of you"

RedPillSucks 31

Use your fist to innoculate him


It kind of is. But it's not worthy of verbal abuse.

graceinsheepwear 33

As a pet owner with too much time on my hands some years ago, I experimented and found that I couldn't make my cats "catch" a yawn, but my bird was very susceptible, much like your coworker apparently.

Phoebe_Buffay 14

As others have said, yawning is contagious. When you see someone yawning, your brain feels the need to mimic the action (at least this is what I've read). But that definitely is no reason to verbally abuse someone! Just tell your co-worker that if he wasnt so busy looking at you instead of doing his work, none of that would've happened.

Yawning is contagious...I am not going into the point of the science behind it but if he brings it to the supervisor they can't really do anything except it off...

It is contagious. At first glance I read your user name and "NapNCook".

Yo, Jesse Pinkman, bitch! Stop yawning on the job or that meth will be no good!!

Yo, Jesse Pinkman, bitch! Stop yawning on the job or that meth will be no good!!