By Anonymous - 17/02/2019 12:00

Today, my older, temporary coworker comments every time I yawn, sneeze, cough, leave my desk to use the restroom, and on what I eat at lunch, laughing the whole time. It’s driving me crazy. Only 8 more weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 006
You deserved it 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone who comments at every possible opportunity? I didn’t know such people existed.

It's like you're living in your own narrated RPG!


It's like you're living in your own narrated RPG!

Someone who comments at every possible opportunity? I didn’t know such people existed.

Here is an even better idea everytime they make a comment say the countdown until they are gone, ie: "Only X days, X hours , Xminutes

This is one of those "Act your age, not your shoe size" kind of situations.

iceberg 10

Wouldn't surprise me if this person ends up being hired for longer

I had the same thing when I was a temp. Is your coworker named Doug?

Have you tried simply telling them that the constant commenting is annoying?