Time is money

By skipperpop - 11/08/2016 22:24 - United States - Ames

Today, after work, I was saying goodbye to my last remaining friend I worked with because she was going to be leaving for college. My manager saw me talking and made me clock back in and work, because, "If you have time to talk, you have time to work." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 649
You deserved it 1 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Allornone 35

If you were already off the clock and had worked your scheduled shift, I can't understand his reasoning. Then again, I guess dicks don't need reasons.

Wizardo 33

Should've clocked your boss. With steel chair to nowhere. Assert dominance. Man, gotta love these haiku's.


Tsukiyomi 16

Last time my boss told me that he got fired

It sounds like you actually clocked back in, which I'm sorry, but that was incredibly stupid of you. You have now taught your asshole of a boss 2 things, 1) that you're not informed on your rights as an employee, and 2) that you're a pushover. She isn't allowed to do that, once your shift is done, your obligation to her and the workplace is over too. She cannot force you to work, she can ask if you can come back, but she can't force you. Dickish bosses will often push and abuse their authority to see what they can get away with, don't let them do this. My boyfriend had a friend with an asshole boss who demoted him illegally. I told him to go back in, tell them it's illegal as they didn't follow proper protocol, and that if they don't restore him to his original position, he would report her and the company to our human rights council and get a lawyer. They gave him his position back immediately. Know your rights, it saves you from getting screwed over.

So, your boss wants to make sure you get paid while you're handling personal business with an on-the-clock employee? Sounds like a bonus, not a problem.

Talis99 26

He can't make you do anything like that.

Where is the problem here? Your manager wants to pay you to work and talk to your friends. Win win!

They can't do that, double shifting has to be voluntary.

What kind of ya-yos are out there managing people. Is there something in the job description that says you have to me a jerk. Sorry OP that you have to work for someone like that.

I have theories for this. Either jerks are just attracted to these positions because it gives them the ability to more easily abuse. Or people get into these positions and become jerks because the authority and power goes to their head. Also, it seems like some are in the mindset of, "I don't have a social life, and you don't get one either. My life is all about work, so yours has to be all about work too."