Time for the ER

By littl3storm - 24/04/2020 23:00

Today, my brace broke and due to Covid-19, I can't get it fixed for another month and a half. Four brackets have come off, the wire is sinking into my gum, giving me tooth and jaw pain. I can't eat and I'm spending excessive amounts of money on pain relief. The cause of all this? A cheese pasty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 824
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please make some telephone calls. I am in the center of the most infected place in the country, but we are still seeing patients for emergency situations. There is no reason for you to be in pain, any practitioner can adjust the wire to get you resolved. This happens more than you can imagine.

surely there are dentists available for emergencies? my dad's crown fell out and he was able to see his dentist to get it fixed during lockdown.


Please make some telephone calls. I am in the center of the most infected place in the country, but we are still seeing patients for emergency situations. There is no reason for you to be in pain, any practitioner can adjust the wire to get you resolved. This happens more than you can imagine.

littl3storm 29

I've rang multiple times and have been told "I just have to wait "

samomaha 17

If your orthdontist's office is telling you to wait, I'm afraid that it's time to call a different orthodontist.

Time to find another orthodontist to take care of you... and stick with the one who helped you.

Call someone else!! 100% CALL SOMEONE ELSE! Tightening isn't critical, but broken braces and wires and pain ARE!

surely there are dentists available for emergencies? my dad's crown fell out and he was able to see his dentist to get it fixed during lockdown.

Susan Yee 9

Emergency dentist appointment should be still available. At least in my area they are.

Get a needle-nose pliers and eat soup until the pandemic ends.

Worst comes to worst wire clip the wire and remove it. I had to do that once, just have pliers on it so it doesn’t snap into you.

This is an emergency. Talk to your orthodontist or a dentist to get that looked at before you ruin your mouth.

Pick up some wax- it's available in the oral care section of grocery stores. It's only a temporary fix but it might help.

Most dentists are still available for emergencies, which it sounds like this would qualify.

As someone who's had braces twice, get some wire cutters and cut the offending wire.