By notthenaughtymaid - 04/08/2014 21:54 - United States - Cedar Bluff

Today, I posted an ad online for house cleaning services. So far, all fifteen responses have been solicitations for sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 561
You deserved it 4 356

Same thing different taste


Zero_TAlent_ 23

I think we all read that wrong! Haha!! You got me friend!!

I have a crack on my screen that goes right through the 'L' in clocks... yeah. :/

I had the first comment but it was erased in case you were wondering

karatekid97 17

I guess you're attracting the wrong type of maid....

She wants to be a maid, not hire one.

DontClickOnMe 28

Maybe try posting the ad on a different website? Also, maybe put an ad in the newspaper. Good luck. =)

Different Country ... if applicable ...

You'd think that by now people know to steer clear of craigslist.

I guess they think its all roleplay fantasy. ... weird.

I guess it's just one of those fantasies that most guys have. It's probably disgusting to you OP but if you posted your picture or anything like that with the ad it just means that many of the people that saw it found you attractive. Add the fact that you could be their maid, and it's instant fantasy land.

Looks like you're in the wrong business.