The struggle is real

By Sally - 26/12/2011 11:48 - Australia

Today, my friend told me how depressing it is that she hasn't had sex in two weeks. I haven't had sex in 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 666
You deserved it 5 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tweetypie 18

Yea well I haven't had sex....EVER!!!

I haven't had sex for 7years, 253 days, 12hours and 46minutes. But it doesn't bother me.


bane103366 0

How ungrateful of you. There is more important things than sex.

RinnaRae22 8

I have never had sex. I am waiting till marriage and im perfectly happy. Your friend just sounds like a ****. This isnt an FML. Congrats on keeping your legs closed wetherw you wanted to or not.

RinnaRae22 8

Bottom line is your friend is a ****.

Wow @ every1 who thinks the friend is 'a ****' ...what's wronge with havin a healthy libido, proods !? Not havin sex in 2 weeks sux..not havin sex in 3 years is creepy... unless ofc you are frigide or somethin.

Yeah? Well I'm a twentyone year old virgin and I haven't dated anyone since I was seventeen. In my defense I am a multipal rape victim. I want to date but I'm too scared.

keven501 12