The Rainbow Bridge

By fishyrael - 30/10/2019 20:00

Today, at my job at a pet store, my boss told me to go outside and hand out flyers. I saw a man sitting on a bench and walked up, saying, "Hi! Do you have a pet?" He teared up and said, "I just put her down this morning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 237
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't feel bad. You weren't to know. Unless you're the world's only genuine psychic, in which case shame on you.

Marketing is not for the faint of heart.


Don't feel bad. You weren't to know. Unless you're the world's only genuine psychic, in which case shame on you.

I know, but I have genuinely never wanted to just walk into traffic more haha. Poor guy. To make it even worse, the bench he was sitting out was right outside the strip's liquor store.

He was at a strip mall? You didn't see two of him talking to some Japanese dudes, did you?