The heat of the moment

By righthook - 08/04/2015 19:56 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. He was about to make me come so I lifted my arm above my head with pleasure. I accidently punched him in the eye, hard enough that he had to stop for a while because he said he felt dizzy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 880
You deserved it 8 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not what he had in mind when he mentioned fisting earlier that night...

Well, at least now you can say that sex with you left him dizzy!


YDI because I'm pretty sure she's upset that she wasn't able to come because he stopped not that she hit him

Your p***y isn't the only thing that got beat up...

No, it was the only thing beat up. I'm not talking about the body-part btw.

I guess you now know he doesn't like rough sex.....

Give him a BJ and all will be forgiven.

ZeroG57 24
perkinson6210 6

If you don't get pleasure punched you ain't doin it right

Either your boyfriend is a wimp, or you're a bodybuilder.