The bitch is back

By Kayladuh - 09/02/2021 21:30

Today, I overheard a co-worker tell the new guy not to talk to me because I'm a bitch. Apparently, she didn't like it when I told her two weeks ago that she had a drinking problem, which was affecting her work ethic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 912
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair, unless you're management it's not your position to call someone out for drinking. You go to management or HR if there's that type of issue.

kimdaa 13

.... she's upset and defensive because you called her out. Was there a better way to get your point across without appearing to attack her? Also, was confronting her a part of your job? A supervisor (or H.R.) would have been the best messenger.


kimdaa 13

.... she's upset and defensive because you called her out. Was there a better way to get your point across without appearing to attack her? Also, was confronting her a part of your job? A supervisor (or H.R.) would have been the best messenger.

To be fair, unless you're management it's not your position to call someone out for drinking. You go to management or HR if there's that type of issue.

peterblack67 9

Are you her supervisor? If not maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself.

coius 23

If I had to work with an alcoholic that affected my projects due to their behaviour, you can damn well be I’d call her bullshit out. Whether a manager or not gets involved, I’m not going to let someone who makes shitty life choices that affects my work prevent me doing my job properly. It’s not a discriminatory remark, so feel free to call a coworker a drunk asshole. That is if they are truly an alcoholic that ***** up other peoples job because of it. And for the record, I’ve already done this before. But thats because being drunk caused a safety issue. Worse, how do you report a high up manager?

okay and? just because you'd do that and I'd do that doesn't mean it's the best way to handle the situation. also I'd fully expect her not to be happy with me.

bound101 7

The employee probably thought they were suppose to defend themselves and keep themselves from harm in the calmest manner possible.. It seems this isn't the case. Disist.

Just curious as to what kind of reaction were to you expecting? Whether or not she has a drinking problem, a random coworker telling her (presumably at work) is plain rude and out of line

mando 10

I've had this happen, after mentioning repeatedly that a high up manager was causing safety issues, nothing was done. Then you say something and the blame falls on you. No win situation.