The best cat

By Nyxilia - 07/12/2019 17:00 - United Kingdom - Edgware

Today, I was woken up by my cat. Did he bite me? Meow to get fed? No, those are too common. He scratched my hole, and it was very exciting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 401
You deserved it 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gaemergorl69 1
manb91gb 15

Was this before or after licking your nipple?


manb91gb 15

Was this before or after licking your nipple?

Never expose your weak points to your cat. They'll get you there eventually.

Your cat must be a boy, he loves to play with your lady parts

manb91gb 15

Nah, Pussycats are all like that

gaemergorl69 1
oldtimer 3

Your “hole”? Are you ten years old??

Duc du V. 23

Did she sing "what's new Pussycat ?"