Thatcher, Thatcher, jungle canyon rope bridge snatcher!

By great idea - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Calgary

Today, my social studies teacher thought it would be a great idea to have a casual debate about Margaret Thatcher and her legacy. Within 10 minutes, the entire class was yelling, screaming, throwing stuff at each other. I got hit in the face with a binder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 842
You deserved it 3 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For a moment, I thought that said blender, FYL Op.

Soooo it's safe to say she's a sore subject?


I watched the movie recently made about her and the thing that touched me was her enduring love for her husband. She still talked to him for years after his death... Seemed like a wonderful love affair.

Margaret Thatcher; causing pain even after she's dead. Yep, that sounds like her!

Andr913 13

Her heart ran on stolen milk and miner's tears. In all seriousness: I'm sure she wasn't an evil woman or anything but regardless of what you think of her handling on union issues, she had an embarrassingly backwards stance on social issues.

Could be worse, you could be in the UK. Despite the fact that she single handedly destroyed our country, the public here are being forced to pay for a ceremonial funeral (basically a state funeral) in her honour.

Thatcher was a cold hearted bitch who singlehandedly destroyed the UK. Good riddance. Ding dong the witch is dead.

This is probably a bad idea, but I just can't help saying something. Some of you people across the pond really disgust me. You make me glad that my parents took me out of England when I was six. I'd say that Obama is currently destroying my country, and I'll be glad to see him leave office, but I'm not going to ******* celebrate when he dies. Have some damn respect, if not for Margaret herself, at least for her friends and family, who just lost someone they love less than a week ago. Hoe would you feel if your mother died and people danced in the streets and called her a cold-hearted bitch? In your case I'd have to say that it's the pot calling the kettle "black."

Respect for her family? You mean her racist daughter and arms dealer son? Yes... respectful silence would be right if she was a private member of society. I might not like my neighbour, but if they died I wouldn't celebrate their death. This is different because what she did affected so many people. Her legacy still does in fact, and is a considerable part of the reason why Scotland wants independence from the UK. That woman probably has more warmth in her body now that she has died.

You act a if those two people you mentioned are the only people who were saddened by her death. Have some ******* decency.

"Yes... respectful silence would be right if she was a private member of society." So because she was a public figure - loved and hated, like all public figures - it's alright to pop the champagne, sing some hate-songs while doing a silly dance? Hate her as much as you want, but please, show some ******* respect (if it's not for her, her family and friends, let it be for human life in general) and keep it down.

thegood1sRtaken 8

Your parents taking you out of England pleases me because we already have enough silly people over here. You live in the USA, which is also home of the "Westboro Baptist Church" which shouts abuse and hatred at funerals for those who were in the army, Muslims, Jews and gay people. So by your "disgust" shouldn't you get out of the USA? Fool.

I, like most Americans, abhor the Westnoro Baptist church, and am as disgusted with them as I am with those celebrating the death of someone who hasn't been involved in public affairs in decades. There is bigotry and folly in all nations, but rarely have I seen such a populace display of it as there is in England now. I would have expected many people being pleased with her passing, but it's the shameless display of it and the lack of public outcry against that shameless display that disturbs me. Of course, I'm not disgusted with all English people. Not only am I not a generalizing bigot, but I'm English myself, my father is English, and I have a brother and extended family still in that country whom I love very much, but I would be very disappointed with them if I learned that they were participating in these unseemly celebrations. I'm not asking those who dislike her to pay their respects at her funeral or to pretend to be sad when they aren't, but I would hope that they wouldn't be total dicks about it. I just find these celebratory displays both unseemly and untimely. I mean, jeez, at least wait a week before you start behaving like your sports team won the championship.

thegood1sRtaken 8

You did not answer my question so I will try to answer if for you based on your previous answer (tell me if I am wrong or not). You would not leave the USA due to the members of Westboro Baptist church who have been allowed to picket at funerals for years because they are a small MINORITY. Their practices and opinions are not represented by the MILLIONS of people living in the USA. Well SUPRISE SUPRISE, it is the same in England. It is a small MINORITY of peole having Thatcher parties and there has already been a public outcry. I'm surprised you didn't label other countries either, you think England was the only one? You've lived in England and I've lived in America. You have rarely seen such "folly and bigotry" as there was in England yesterday? Really? No, offence but you should really be looking in your back yard before slating another country based on a minority not a majority.

104 - Wait a week? Now, where did I hear that last? Oh, yeah: Newtown, Aurora, Phoenix, Columbine, etc. Using "respect for the dead" as a refuge from the politically inconvenient dead.

#92. In this case yes. People celebrated when Hitler died, when Mussolini died, when Franco died. So a small minority (myself not included) of people in the UK celebrate when Thatcher died. And why am I making a comparison between 3 dictators and one democratically elected PM? Well Thatcher sold off all state housing meaning that people living in slums could not get out of their situation. She introduced section 28, which effectively banned homosexuality and made it a crime. We've had to do a lot of work in our country to ensure that there is equality. She was also known for using the army on the public. Look at the Irish troubles for example, which was basically a civil war. In Ireland again she allowed people who were essentially political prisoners to starve to death in prison. So yes... I think that those who are celebrating have a right to do so.

"So yes... I think that those who are celebrating have a right to do so." Sorry, but I still politely disagree. If I lived in WWII, I would celebrate the end of the war with heart and soul, but I would never ever celebrate Hitler's dead. There's too much value in life to be happy with the dead of someone - even if that person was a total son of a bitch.

I would be one of the first to celebrate hitlers death. The only reason I may not celebrate is cuz I think he got off way to easy. He killed many of my family members and he deserved a lot worse then just dying by his own hand.

Sounds like the teacher cannot control the class. Time for a new job.

Why are people celebrating her death? It's disgusting. She hasn't been harming anyone for the last 10 years - she became an old woman who could barely even remember being a prime minister.

perdix 29

She crushed the labor movement and went to war against Argentina. The brouhaha illustrates what a divisive politician she was, so "good job" to your teacher!

abirdgotshot 13

Hope you feel more bonded or perhaps binded to the fact the RIP usually does not hold.

Thing is, that's pretty much the Thatcher legacy... upheaval, change, and a little pain.