Is it a plane ?
By Decker - 14/02/2010 01:04 - United States
By Decker - 14/02/2010 01:04 - United States
By Tabeling101 - 12/12/2016 01:51
By Anonymous - 09/06/2019 04:00
By NathanPlays - 23/04/2011 01:39 - United States
By iammike - 24/08/2010 22:36 - United States
By Dkim620 - 07/01/2013 03:16 - United States
By anabanannailoveu - 17/07/2021 07:59
By Anonymous - 29/06/2022 12:00 - Canada - Thornhill
By Anonymous - 20/07/2011 04:26 - New Zealand
By Boyufd - 02/05/2022 04:00
By Anonymous - 18/10/2011 19:36 - United States
hahahha first and that sucks but verry funny
@snickerdoodles #14 lol agreed
not always it never even said what they shopping for so it can't be tacky. like if they were shopping condoms at walmart that equals tacky. but like groceries is not tacky because they actually are cheap there. and in my town there is a sketch walmart but on the other side of town there is a really nice walmart.
you're fat, and you smell like tuna
do u ever stfu snickersht
FMLFML123123 has a good point. As long as you stay away from generic brands they have the same shit you can find anywhere else - and at a consistently lower price. Unless you only buy Armani duct tape or Prada AA batteries, being a "no-Wal-Mart snob" usually just amounts to throwing money down the drain for nothing but an imagined sense of superiority.
Don't diss him, taking your girl to WalMart is the epitome of class here in Florida for the rednecks... Pure class... Not in CA though, nope, don't do that.
fmlfml123123 - it doesn't have anything to do with being a snob. it has to do with supporting stores that take care of their employees (which walmart does NOT) and that do good things with their profits (which they do NOT) Not to mention the food in that store is not food. it's highly processed junk that is to blame for our higher rates of disease than ever before an it is shipped from thousands of miles. Grow a garden, that's cheap too.
WTF is wrong with going to Wal Mart? I friggin LOVE that store!
... can*
Walmart only helps you save money if you buy a shitload of stuff. Anyways, Walmart is the classy place to go now?
Agree with #9 and YDI for not dropping her off at the door before parking. You just started dating a hot girl and you're treating her like your sister. Pretty soon we'll see "I got dumped by my hot gf because our dates were lame and I was unchivalrous."
thank you. also OP. you deserve it. why the hell didn't you do the gentleman thing and drop her off at the front, then go and park? whe. you leave, go get the vehicle and pick her got it!!!.... at the front!!! kids nowadays...
snickerdoodles, you know normal people, as in people without Gingervitus, actually need to buy food every once in a while
today I went to walmart with my fat cousin. he was creeping me out so when we parked all the way in the back of the parking lot, I ran to the store and his fat ass slipped on the asphalt while he was trying to catch me.
i was thinkin what #9 sed. ydi for tht lol but hope u feel better n learned your lesson: DONT take hot girls to walmart.
YDI for just being at walmart
that FrickIn sucks Really bad, Sucks To be you.
i liek has a blowhole and doesn't afraid of anything.
#1, your comment is as pointless as your life. do humanity a favor and start running headfirst into a wall until you die.
your a asshole
he is a asshole telling someone to run headfirst into a wall untill they die. That would make him an asshole
who likes whales? I do!
who's gay? you are
**** that
agree with #4
She'll probably ditch you for being a stupid klutz!
You deserved it for going to walmart.
lol awww!!!
Quick question. Why didn't you drop your date off at the front and go park yourself? Seems like a gentlemanly thing to do.
well that's another one for the books >_> took me a while to visualize the whole "reverse superman" thing