Thatcher, Thatcher, jungle canyon rope bridge snatcher!

By great idea - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Calgary

Today, my social studies teacher thought it would be a great idea to have a casual debate about Margaret Thatcher and her legacy. Within 10 minutes, the entire class was yelling, screaming, throwing stuff at each other. I got hit in the face with a binder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 842
You deserved it 3 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For a moment, I thought that said blender, FYL Op.

Soooo it's safe to say she's a sore subject?


Actually no, I don't watch the news often because its filled with a bunch of B.S. and its very rare that they actually report anything news-worthy. Also yes, I don't know who Margaret Thatcher is, but trying to insult me by saying its sad I don't know who she is doesn't really get us anywhere now does it? Not saying she isn't amazing in all of her accomplishment, whatever they may be, but the direction this FML was headed in was as if something very recent involving her had just happened, and it was something most people didn't like. Good or bad news, either way I would have heard if it was that widely known, but I was confused as to why people resorted to violence rather than who she actually was. But even so, to each their own.

I do find shocking that you don't know who she is but if you never watch or read the news that's not a surprise (I wonder how you keep up with what is going on in the world then). I find sad though that considering the amount of comments and seeing how clearly big the news is, you didn't actually show the simplest interest and bothered looking her up.

He's from America. To be fair it does make a bit of sense that he might not have heard of her. Or if he had heard of her, it makes sense that he doesn't know much about her. I know who Ronald Reagan is but I don't know that much about him either (although not a fair comparison as he seems to have been a good president). Whilst there are a fair few people commenting on this from around the world, I bet that most of them have some ties to the UK. Where of course, Thatcher's politics are still felt raw. Especially in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. To paraphrase Angus Robertson from the Scottish National Party, ''We will never forget, we will never forgive''.

I just hope the binder you got hit with is from a student that doesn't take notes! Less damage!

jeragonm 15

I love the Iron Lady! Even though I don't know all that much about her, she is still one of my top 3 favorite British leaders. R. I. P. Margaret Thatcher

can't tell if troll, or just really ignorant...

Wow, surprised this happened in Canada..! *highfives op* CANADIANS UNITE!

mustang19898 16

Dude, I would've hid under the point when stuff started flying