That's a lot of damage!

By Stressed_Out_Student - 29/08/2018 22:00

Today, I had to do a still life of a pillowcase for my drawing class. To make up for bad grades I've gotten before, I followed my professor's directions to a T. He took 19 points off because I drew the background when no one else did. We have to do it for every piece. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 894
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste


Wtf you should be getting extra credit for doing that

I think your teacher might have it out for you. Believe it or not, certain teachers actually do bully some students. I think you need to report this

BlackRose278 1

Yeah I gave him a pretty bad review, but I tried to remain civil and simply said he would be better in a different environment for teaching.

That’s good. Sometimes students and teachers just kind of clash, but the teachers have all the power to do what they please. I’m glad that the story had a happy ending with a ‘B’ at least!

First remind them that you said to do a background and if that doesn't work go to the school head and complain about it 😤

"We have to do it for every piece" ... except this one, apparently. You followed directions to a U, really.. adding the background.

If Bob Ross taught me anything about paint, it's that imperfect things on a canvas are just your little secrets.

WeirdUS 29

Important to make sure nothing changed regarding format. Especially an art class, just because that was was required before doesn't mean it's needed everytime. That's on you for not asking. teachers make odd subtractions to the formats/ or additions it is on you to ask. Some teachers are assholes, but you have to make sure nothing has changed.

BlackRose278 1

OP here! First ever FML published, AND its title is my favorite video ever? DREAMS DO COME TRUE!! Yes, I did draw the pillowcase too in case you were wondering. This teacher was just extremely difficult to please and was vague about what they wanted. They just said to "follow the course module", So I did and asked as many questions as possible to make sure I did everything right. He said everything was fine throughout every draft I sent in too. Honestly, I think he just didn't like my art style as a whole and didn't want to say it. I had a painting teacher just like that years ago, so it's not uncommon for that to occur. On the bright side I got a solid 'B' as my final grade and, of course, got thoroughly drunk for the first two times in my 24 years of life to celebrate.

I can understand that one. Had an art teacher when I was in grade school who flat out told me that I couldn't draw and would be better off in a different class. Scraped by with a D in that class.