
By This is why people are abandoning religion. - 06/03/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I found out that when my best friend and I were kids, our parents would cancel playdates when either of us opted to not go to church. They said it would, "strengthen our faith." We are now both adults and staunch atheists for that reason, and we're spending way more time together to make up for this crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 551
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

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no one likes being religiously abused their whole childhood

hey I remember you,in case you haven't noticed your parents are controlling idiots. start planning your future far away from them today!


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no one likes being religiously abused their whole childhood

Found one of the parents /s. Friends shouldn't be kept away from each other just because one of them doesn't want to go to church.

hey I remember you,in case you haven't noticed your parents are controlling idiots. start planning your future far away from them today!

Yeah... this is your second post in two days about your religious parents. If you can, get away from them. They'll never change at this rate.

cpguru24 16

In most cases (not all) your parents did the best they could with what they thought was the right thing to do. And that is ok. Its also ok to feel differently. An analogy I like to use is its like a toolbox. And not everyone has the same tools at their disposal. Some have broken or barely usable tools. Some are missing completely. Most do the best they can with the tools they have. Some have all the tools and they are just pieces of shit. You will have to decide which is right for your situation. This logic has helped me find peace with some of the things I went through in my life and have compassion for others.

Well look on the bright side; you have an extra hour or two on Sunday morning to make up for lost time.