
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I noticed a weird smell coming from my four year-old daughter's room. I went to investigate and found she had been using (and hiding) her garbage can as a toilet, for when she "can't make it in time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 708
You deserved it 4 462

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So... she's holding it long enough to not make it? How long is that? Seriously, this is NOT cute, no matter what age she is. You need to make sure your daughter knows that there will be consequences if it happens again. (There will be consequences, right? :D )

Zombie65 0
KareBear7364 5

Aww poor thing, that's cute:)

Sucks that she was hiding it and now you have to get rid of it AND the smell, but hey, at least she was improvising and not going in her undies! Just tell her to tell you next time lol.

She should have hid it in your room. You would've never found it!

Nabee143 3

Yeah because in moms room, it doesn't smell at all! Doh!

SpilltMilk2 0

Aren't kids supposed to be potty trained? It takes 30 seconds to go to the restroom, where is your toilet? The other side of town?

Ace782 0

why does a 4 year old need a trash can in their room? are you trying to instill laziness at an early age? she can walk her ass to any other garbage can in the house

TheDrifter 23

Hey, I outsourced my IRS paperwork to her. It's working out well, but she's four and still makes a lotta typos. Cut her some slack on the crumpled paper bin.