
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I noticed a weird smell coming from my four year-old daughter's room. I went to investigate and found she had been using (and hiding) her garbage can as a toilet, for when she "can't make it in time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 708
You deserved it 4 462

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JokeMeister 0

you better get her checked out by a doctor.

Ew. Wtf? Does she hold it in until she can't anymore? Maybe if she goes when the urge first hits her, she wouldn't need the garbage can.

" put sh*t in your hand, and rub it on a building"

TempestRain 0

Get her one of those training pottys from Walmart to keep by her bed just in case.

I think that's cute. At least its not in her bed or anything lol

do you want it on the floor , which you have to scoop it up and mop or throw away the bin ?