
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I noticed a weird smell coming from my four year-old daughter's room. I went to investigate and found she had been using (and hiding) her garbage can as a toilet, for when she "can't make it in time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 708
You deserved it 4 462

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gammielikeoh 0

that gave me an idea! tell your daughter thankyou.

boner815 0

That's actually pretty smart, for a four year old. She saw a problem and thought of a solution that, on a basic level, makes sense. She didn't realize, due to her age, that it is inappropriate. I give her kudos for her creativity, and I hope you used this as a teaching moment. At least a trash can is easier to clean (or throw out) than soiled clothes are.

Nabee143 3

Actually I beg to differ. The child did know that it was inappropriate because she was "hiding" it. If she didn't think anything was wrong with it, it wouldn't be hidden.

Kevinx103 0

i miss being able to get away wit shit like dat....... You get it shit...... Laugh My Brain Out

Wow...Well at least she's got the right idea! When my dogs really have to go they crap by the toliet!

at least she didnt do it on the floor or in her bed.

booberrymuncher5 0
lizliz23 0

this is 2 #101 ... ewwwwweeeeeeeeeee