By UnchainedGaruda - 17/11/2014 15:29 - United States - Hollywood

Today, I heard my mother say, "I feel bad for any girl that marries him because he's, what's the word? Metrosexual!" To my girlfriend. About me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 274
You deserved it 3 498

UnchainedGaruda tells us more.

UnchainedGaruda 8

Hey guys! OP here to shed light on the situation. Homecoming is this weekend and my girlfriend, mother and I were out getting the final vest and tie to finish off my attire, so I can match my girlfriend's dress. Then my mom said that. She isn't ignorant, a bigot, or anything of the sort. She was joking around and said it proudly. She went on to say that "if you're in the store buying face cream to stay smooth or whatever it is, he's right there with you to look good too" Which has an element of truth in it. I try to look good and keep myself hygienic and it pays off. It's also a bit of curiosity to be honest too! There's so many things for girls!! Anyway, my girlfriend laughed with her, and yes that's probably one of the reasons she's with me. Hope you all enjoyed!

Top comments

Hey, it means you probably dress nice and take care of yourself, what girl doesn't like that? Your mom sounds ridiculous!


Lebeaugars95 20

I don't see how being a metrosexual is bad ? Teach your mum how to dress OP

fxxth 16

It doesn't matter what anyone long as you two are in love (:

nothing to be ashamed off, it's nice to know a man in touch with his feminine side

I really don't think.. that's something to be said to your son's girlfriend...

Hey, it means you probably dress nice and take care of yourself, what girl doesn't like that? Your mom sounds ridiculous!

I wish I was a metro. Then I could live my childhood dream of shunting trucks and hauling freight.

I want to know what your girlfriends' reaction was... Did she stand up for you? Did she laugh? Mommy was being kinda, what's the word I'm looking for? Rude?

Oh cmon really? Anyway i'm sure your girlfriend understands right? I mean she took it as a joke right?