Cats gonna cat

By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 14:00

Today, I got a new mattress delivered to my house. Didn’t have it on the frame for more than 5 minutes before my cat had already pissed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 467
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you expect your cat to wait for you to piss on the new mattress and mark it as your territory?

This is why I don't like cats in my environment.


Sady_Ct 37

Your cat has problems, or it’s litter needs changing.

Did you expect your cat to wait for you to piss on the new mattress and mark it as your territory?

Cats don't like change in their environment. Thus, it was letting you know as such....

This is why I don't like cats in my environment.

Vinegar. It’s the animal cure all. And if it’s pudding on things a lot, go to the vet.

Yeah, you can have your bed smell like vinegar instead. That is genius!

It could have peed because it was stressed due to or didn’t like the change in environment. It could also have been trying to get the bed to smell like what it was used to, so peed on it, kind of marking its territory.

This is why Mattress protectors are an absolute must. Don't be too mad at kitty, they only do this sort of thing if they are distressed. Maybe kitty thinks you guys are moving and is scared it's going to be abandoned.

You could've just said, "I own a cat," and that would've completed the FML post right there.

You should have kept the cat out of your bedroom

rpy13 11

Feel your pain.. we got a new white-ish rug, it wasn’t cheap. Within 6 hours our cat yacked up a huge hairball on it 🤯