By angry asthmatic - 22/12/2018 14:00 - United States - Ann Arbor

Today, we had an emergency lockdown in my gym class. As a result, we had to go into the boys' locker room, so naturally, it smelled like a fart in there. Some dumbass had a "brilliant" idea to spray a WHOLE FUCKING CAN OF AXE SPRAY in the locker room. I have asthma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 510
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ochiyds 5

you do realize axe body spray is so strong that if you have asthma it can trigger an attack right? And if two puffs in a small room is strong imagine how bad a whole can would be. when your lungs dont work. I'd be upset to.

She’s upset cos she has asthma and she cannot breathe because of the axe. She was not complaining about the smell, just the solution


So it smells and you're upset, but someone does something about it and you complain? You get upset when your ice cream is cold, don't you? I need some cheese with all this whine I'm getting.

ochiyds 5

you do realize axe body spray is so strong that if you have asthma it can trigger an attack right? And if two puffs in a small room is strong imagine how bad a whole can would be. when your lungs dont work. I'd be upset to.

I really hope karma comes and repeatedly kicks you in the sac with steel-toed boots.

She’s upset cos she has asthma and she cannot breathe because of the axe. She was not complaining about the smell, just the solution

Except there’s a huge difference between getting a perfume-induced asthma attack and being a whiny brat. I can’t be around strong fragrances for very long without getting a crippling migraine. Stop being ignorant.

OP I want you to understand that you have a legal (& ethical) right to be safe even if your "safe" may not be identical to everyone else's. Health problems (such as the need for clean air with lung diseases, migraines etc) fall under the umbrella of disability anti-discrimination laws. As such you are entitled to whatever accommidations (ie, fragrance ban) are needed to avoid impeding your access to the same things your peers access (ie school, work, housing, medical care). The only exceptions are if the request is something dangerous or ruinously expensive, which a fragrance ban is not. So you don't need to take this. I used to have similar problems and didn't fight because bullies give you such a hard time, like you should feel guilty for wanting to breathe, & they'd die without their Axe (or Gain, Glade etc). Because I was such a doormat for so long, my health worsened & I became more & more reactive to synthetic fragrance, til now I am essentially in solitary confinement, unable to go in public at all or even live in a town, because of other people's fumes. Perhaps if I'd been more assertive I would not have deteriorated & I would still have my career & hobbies... a life worth living. Stand up for yourself. Don't be like me & look back regretfully once it's too late. Also... When bullies try to make it sound like you're being selfish remember, A: they have zero legit need for this stuff, you have a legit need to avoid it. They're essentially arguing that they should be free to assault you whenever they like. It's ridiculous & they're pricks! and B: Studies vary (because "reactive" is a spectrum, and not everyone defines it exactly the same) but at least 5-10% of people have significant reactions to synthetic fragrance. So you're surely not the only vulnerable one at your school. By getting an Axe ban (which many schools have btw) you'd be helping plenty of current & future students & staff, not just yourself.

weaboo 12

LOL OP’s a girl there’s no reason to ban axe in the male locker room OP is just unlucky

The real world is going to eat you alive and shit out the bones.

shady80 4

I'm horrified that the emergency lockdown part wasn't the worst of this FML.

Little known fact: the girls locker room is way filthier than the boys locker room

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a stinky situation!

Tobacco smoke finally got recognized for the hazard it is; fragrances are next. They are everywhere and cause a lot of people health problems.

Lukr 8

Guess what: Us guys have to deal with that idiot every pe-session. Also yes there is at least obe idiot like that in every class