Can't wait to find out

By jamerz - 26/05/2019 04:00

Today, someone informed me that my new boyfriend's tattoo is really an old Nazi symbol and not just a poorly-drawn skull. Now I'm trying to figure out how to ask him whether he's a neo-Nazi or not. Why am I so nervous? I'm Jewish, he just hasn't heard my last name yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 780
You deserved it 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unbweavable 17

Why doesn't he know your last name??

How can you be in a relationship with someone and not even know their last name?


Unbweavable 17

Why doesn't he know your last name??

EmDizzle2007 28

I would say privacy, but... they're "dating". maybe it's an online affair? even then, it's weird to only have exchanged first names.

skyguy592 15

Better to find out now and get out of there before he knows ur jewish

those skulls represent the SS Totenkampf Division or death squad, I'd say leave him

Short German lecture: It's called SS-Division Totenkopf, or sometimes SS-Totenkopf-Division, not Totenkampf. Kopf means head so it's literally head of a dead person, while Kampf means fight or struggle.

ok, name the foreign minister of the Nazi party.

How can you be in a relationship with someone and not even know their last name?

bloopaloop 27

I think Jessie smollett posted this

He only knows them as “jamerz” and he’s known as “hailaddyh1941”

someone who hasn't been in a relationship very long might not have shared their last name...they did say the relationship was new so they could have been dating for a week or a few days

Just ask what the tattoo is, many different cultures use skull symbols for many different things

He isn’t your boyfriend if he doesn’t know your last name. Youth today are so ridiculous.

I'd be more concerned that you are calling him a boyfriend but you haven't told him your last name...

Mungolikecandy 19

If he does not know your full name he is an acquaintance or at most a casual friend (not even a full friend) who you happen to have hooked up with. He cannot be your boyfriend if you are only on first name terms and have never exchanged your full name.

bl3ur0z3 17

First of all, neo nazis don't generally admit to it. Second how does he not know you well enough to know your least name, but he does know you well enough to be called your boyfriend?