Stay in school, kids...

By Anonymous - 30/12/2017 01:30

Today, my son told me he got a tattoo to honour our German heritage. The bloody fool got an eagle and swastika on his arm. I had to explain to a 20-year-old what WWII was. He’s now researching laser removal. Idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 658
You deserved it 1 301

Same thing different taste

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The idiot knew. He was just surprised to see that you didn't like it. He must have Googled or read about it in a book because he knew it has something to do with Germany. What a damn mess!

Did he even finish school? How naive do you have to be to do something so stupid?


Lobby_Bee 17

Might want to supervise his research, or he might come back with clean underarms instead.

Or worse: he might "take a shower", if you get the drift...

Did you tell him to shave off that mustache and to stop doing the salute as well?

exileonmainst 16

No way you can do enough research on Germany to find the eagle and swastika symbol without seeing at least a little something about WW2.

any native born Germans can verify if the Imperial Eagle is banned?

The eagle itself is not banned. Only together with the swastika. However, people using this eagle (there are different versions of it throughout history), well, they show very clearly what their mindset is.

Um... how does someone NOT know about World War II? My history teachers were all coaches and we learned next to nothing, but wet still knew what WWII was. Bloody fool/idiot indeed.

boopingsnoot 24

My school always got a raging boner for WWII, always dedicated a month in History and Language Arts

I mean... if your kid got to 18 without knowing anything about WWII, especially a kid with German ancestry, you've kind of failed them as a parent. Alongside how to tie his own shoes and not to stick crayons up his nose, that's some information you should be making sure he acquires.

On the bright side, he won't have any difficulty joining the Aryan gang if & when he does a spell in prison. A whole new meaning to "packing protection".

Get your son to watch American History X too

OP, if you believe him you are fooled. Take a hard look at him and his friends. I work with kids and young adults to get them out of extremists circles - it is astounding how blind parents choose to be because they are afraid to see the truth. "My kid doesn't know better/is just dumb/ has false friends " is the song played by almost every parent. And NO, THEY DO KNOW!