Proud boy

By Spaghetto - 10/10/2021 05:00 - United States

Today, I had an argument with my brother after discovering his new Confederate flag tattoo. His main response was, "It's about heritage, not hate!" We're third generation Italians from New Jersey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 150
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heritage is becoming code for a certain type of hate. Our language is getting twisted by domestic white extremists.

What he did is basically a less callous version of a German, 3rd generation of Turkish immigrants, getting the nazi Germany flag tatooed and claim that it's about heritage. You could always try and explain it to him that some heritage should never be embraced, but the guy clearly seems too dumb to understand that. And you know, I've always felt like there's a good reason why "dumb" and "dump" are just a single letter apart....


What he did is basically a less callous version of a German, 3rd generation of Turkish immigrants, getting the nazi Germany flag tatooed and claim that it's about heritage. You could always try and explain it to him that some heritage should never be embraced, but the guy clearly seems too dumb to understand that. And you know, I've always felt like there's a good reason why "dumb" and "dump" are just a single letter apart....

Heritage is becoming code for a certain type of hate. Our language is getting twisted by domestic white extremists.

Ambrily 27

Whoever downvoted this either has a confederate flag tattooed on their right butt cheek or can't accept that it's true, people use heritage and love and God to express hate all the time.

Fun fact. The ACTUAL Confederate flag resembled the United States flag. It had a blue upper left square with a circle of stars, and three stripes (two red, one white) This was the Stars and Bars. The flag your brother had tattooed on him was used by a regiment in the Confederacy. But not by the entire Confederacy. Nope, the Naval Jack was used by one specific regiment in Tennessee. After the lost the war they started a social group. They used their battle flag as a symbol for their values. As the social group gained prominence through the south, the flag became more and more popular. Another fun fact. After the southern states seceded from the United States and formed their own country, President Lincoln publicly stated that he would do nothing to force them to return. They could go on their own as their own country. The south started the war by attacking Fort Sumter in April of 1861. So the so called 'war of northern aggression' was started by the south. And the claim that the Confederacy was merely fighting for states rights, is false. Because they could have run their newly formed country however they wanted. Oh and that Tennessee social club, that was the KKK.