Stay classy

By chattyloz - 07/02/2013 12:31 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to unpick a wedgie in the street. I backed against a wall, lifted my skirt and sorted it. I then turned around and caught eye contact with several men in the barbers behind me. Not such a solid wall after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 838
You deserved it 39 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you made their day, but seriously you should have waited to unpick that shit. That's not a good look in public.


GripItRight 10

just kidding. I Was not in the room at the time.

GripItRight 10

WOW WAS THAT YOU! great legs, mmm text me.

How in the world did you not notice that ? YDI

Wouldn't unpicking a wedgie be giving yourself a wedgie?

You can't go around giving barber shops free shows!! What's wrong with you? They need to pay first then you sort your wedgie!!

so you can't tell the difference between a wall and a window? are you blind? and who does that shit on the street???

EmDizzle2007 28

you don't unpick a wedgie. you can unstick it or pick it.. unless you were putting your panties IN your ass... in which case, that sounds suspect.