Some help

By fuckwank - 20/09/2013 20:31 - United States - Red Oak

Today, I offered to help out at my grandpa's farm, and he had me load buckets of water into his trunk. When he came by and saw me struggling to lift a bucket, he sneered, called me a moron for filling it up before putting it in the truck, and told me to just go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 097
You deserved it 12 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry too much about it OP. you're a good person for offering help

You were just getting your weightlifting done, saving you that trip to the gym. He's just jealous of your developing muscles and your multitasking skills.


mrlb94 6

Haha you a city slicker? Gotta use your head man. The farmers and ranchers don't have time or money to waste. They gotta get stuff done quickly and get it to the distributer/slaughterhouse otherwise they wont get paid. When your workin for a farmer/rancher you gotta be goin hard the whole time

I find it funny that you did that,but I would have done the same , too.

jw90 18

Technically he did tell you to load buckets of water in the truck. Not put the buckets in the truck then load them with water. In all sense he's the moron for not being clear.

See comments like that get you punched in the mouth on a ranch. As stated before ranchers don't have time to Molly coddle people who can't think and smart asses are just punching bags.

jw90 18

Haha well seeing as I'm a big smartass I'll either get punched or do the punching. The latter sounds quite nice.

There's no competing with old school, farmer's logic.

I would've done the same thing. xD Your grandpa's a douche bag, and I can relate because I live in the country.

Am I the only one to wonder just how much water would be left in the buckets and how much would be sloshing around in the trunk once the truck gets where it's going?

Go home and relax, he's obviously got this

At least you weren't carrying the water to the vehicle.

Sometimes it takes an outsider's view to show you that you have been doing it the hard way.