Some help

By fuckwank - 20/09/2013 20:31 - United States - Red Oak

Today, I offered to help out at my grandpa's farm, and he had me load buckets of water into his trunk. When he came by and saw me struggling to lift a bucket, he sneered, called me a moron for filling it up before putting it in the truck, and told me to just go home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 097
You deserved it 12 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry too much about it OP. you're a good person for offering help

You were just getting your weightlifting done, saving you that trip to the gym. He's just jealous of your developing muscles and your multitasking skills.


worldsocold34 7

Well, your grandpa's a jerk, but that really is pretty sad if your old man's old man is stronger than you.

Well next time you do it you know what to do...that's a plus...right?

Thinking about being nice and trying to be nice is not the same thing as effectively being nice. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

TheDrifter 23

He's likely known to load the buckets in the truck before filing for so long it never occurred to him to tell OP. I'll bet the look on his face was priceless when he saw op struggling.

I totally agree. If he was struggling he should have found an easier solution.

elizacandle 29

He's got a point, work smart can save a lot of hard work! He shouldn't have sent you packing though.

perdix 29

A farm is a business, not an amusement park for city slickers to play out "Green Acres" fantasies. You may suck at farm work, but I'll bet your grandpa blows at WoW, Snapchat and GTA!