
By charliebravo77 - 09/12/2011 20:14 - United States

Today, I drove into the parking lot at work, and discovered too late that there were patches of ice everywhere. As I turned to enter my usual spot, I lost control of the vehicle, and despite my pleas, praying, and profanity, it glided straight into my boss's car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 422
You deserved it 4 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IAmNotAnAnimal 9

Like a good neighbor state farm is there! With unemployment.

PuffDaddy395 3

Do you work at an auto repair shop..?


hateevryone 14

awwww that sucks. probably shouldn't have used profanity.

My boss and I have tiny little assigned spaces next to each other and both drive big SUVs. Hitting her is my worst fear. Hope they were at least understanding! Sorry, OP!

*boss's* car. there is only no "s" after the apostrophe if the word is already plural. :)

Pleas, praying, and profanity didn't work? That car needs some serious obedience training.

Reality_bites 14

In my opinion, you need to take responsibility for it, even if you think no one saw or the damage was relatively minor. The Truth always has a way of coming out, this is one situaton where lying will make it so much worse. I mean if you lie about hitting your bosses car to your boss and they find out well you can pretty much kiss any promotions, good work reviews etc goodbye. Or you could find yourself blackmailed by a co-worker who saw the whole thing.

Shit damn shit aw **** no no no no ahh! Shit! Thats what i imagine :)