Ski me to heaven

By Frostbitten - 27/02/2013 03:00 - United States - Freeport

Today, I was sitting on the chair-lift on a ski trip. There was a shift in gears and the metal in the seat began to vibrate. My dad, sister, and step-mom were all on the lift with me, not feeling a thing. It's terribly awkward to converse with your family while you involuntarily orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 302
You deserved it 6 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes.

Sounds like that lift ticket payed for itself.


"involuntarily ******"? o.0 i have to admit i dont know how is that even possible unless it's related to for-the-life-of-me-cant-remember-the-name syndrome. I remember hearing about that before, and seeing Tyra Banks having a woman with that syndrome on her talk show a while back. but tbh, apart from that, which is obviously a medical condition, i cant say i've even heard of someone having an involuntary ******. Arousal? Sure. But ******? Wow!

Out of curiosity...are you sure you had an involuntary ****** & not a seizure...or maybe taking a medication that can cause spontaneous orgasms..some people have them from sneezing too...strange world we live in.

cmb8280 24

I'm embarrassed just reading this... FYL

I hear 60% of girls who ****** on a ski lifts are faking.

Doesn't matter. Had sex (with a chairlift).

I think that'd make the conversation worth having... if you have parents like mine.

needsagf14 12

Umm.... I'm just gonna forget about this one

lol nothing to be ashamed of. certainly an interesting one though, quarter- mile high club