Silver linings

By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor and found out that I am infertile. When I called my boyfriend of 2 years, with whom I was hoping to have a future, to talk to him about it, all he said was, "So does this mean I don't have to wear a condom anymore?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 127
You deserved it 7 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was pretty insensitive if he knew you wanted to have kids. Although the no condom thing is good news.

He's just looking on the positive side


Sessee 4

I don't see what's so bad about being infertile. Have you not read some of the FMLs about kids? They are miniature devils. Kids = midget Satans.

haha 56... youre so base it's pathetic. unfortunately most people in my family are stupid so it does not run. think beyond just continueing your genes. do you really care about carrying on your genetics? adopt instead there are enough people here already. 64 true dat

tash14 1

That's probably something my boyfriend would say too, to be completely honest. While a lot of women know early on that they would one day like to have children (and this news would upset them, even if they weren't ready to have kids YET) most guys don't really seem to think about that type of stuff until they are already settled down (or sometimes when the girls says she's already pregnant). He came off kind of insensitive, and that sucks, but he's not necessarily an asshole, he's just not there yet. When the time comes you can discuss the options with whoever you are in a relationship with at that time. I know it's upsetting (I'd be sad too), but there are plenty of options out there.

eyeofthebeholder 0

i am an infertile woman and my thoughts were the same. it's sad that all we care about is having kids that don't appreciate the work we do for them anyway. there is more to life than little brats, but if you really want one you can make that shit in a petri dish with your genes or adopt one- painless. there is a good reason you're infertile. maybe your kid would've been retarded & you couldn't afford all the medical bills. get over it & enjoy your worry free sex life with your loving boyfriend who reacted like any other normal male would. guys don't know what to say in those situations, cut him some slack

If my girlfriend ever says that to me, I'd frown and tell her to double check and triple check. I'd love to have kids (...when I'm 30). Being a dad would probably one of the coolest things that could ever happen in life.

fmllmao123 0

omg i am so sorry about the infertility and the horible guy...........well w.e chances are this is crap

To the people who keep saying "that's not so bad", "quit your bitching", and "I'd say the same thing". Think about it! Clearly she really wanted to have her own children. If she didn't she wouldn't be posting it as an FML. I understand the boyfriends question but maybe ask the next day. And for the people who said "well sex is way better without a condom", her future possibility of having her own children is a lot more important then a little dulled sensitivity when getting off. The boyfriend could have probably asked a day or two after then it wouldn't have been quite as careless and rude

abbaker 0

As a woman, I honestly wouldn't mind being infertile, in fact I almost hope that I become infertile. Less to worry about. No kids. Sweet. But, ya if you were planning on having them I guess that would be sad. But stretch marks and the ripping apart of your abdominal tissue is worse! (Oh, and the end of your freedom.)

At least #68 is a decent man! Lordy I imagine a lot of the other posters are 16 year old male chronic masturbators. Don't have to use a condom with ur hand as a partner either!

gleidu77 0

that kind of sucks because yeah, that would be heartbreaking news. but guys don't exactly understand that, especially if they aren't at an age where they want to have children. so depending on how old you guys are and considering you're not married or looking to have kids in the very near future, i can see why he would ask this. just explain that it hurt you. i'm sure he'll apologize.