Side piece

By Hayat Hubby - 19/11/2022 10:00 - United States

Today, my side piece told me that she’s pregnant with her husband’s baby. She refuses to break up with me, even though I'm no longer interested. She keeps crying and telling me, “It’s your fault!” I didn’t even know she was married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 403
You deserved it 2 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's wrong with you? You didn't want to be your side piece's side piece? Hypocrite!

WOW! You are NOT even a little tiny bit of a good person. You want to dip into someone other than your wife ? Be a man (I use that term very loosely with you) and leave your wife. Hopefully you haven't had any kid's with her. You're just not a good person. Sleeping around having unprotected sex and bringing Lord knows what to your wife? Nasty


What's wrong with you? You didn't want to be your side piece's side piece? Hypocrite!

WOW! You are NOT even a little tiny bit of a good person. You want to dip into someone other than your wife ? Be a man (I use that term very loosely with you) and leave your wife. Hopefully you haven't had any kid's with her. You're just not a good person. Sleeping around having unprotected sex and bringing Lord knows what to your wife? Nasty

By the way, if she's repeating, "It's your fault!" how are you so sure of the paternity of her baby? If you see Maury Povich walking toward you, run the other way!

YDI for having a "side piece" and calling a person as such. And seriously, now that she's pregnant, you're going to bail? I hope the kid isn't yours if that's your attitude about taking responsibility. But even though she's saying it's her husband's baby, why would she be yelling it was your fault...? Something doesn't add up.

YDI for moving to a soap opera universe.

Always, always, ask the side piece, "Are you married?"

Geez, sometimes it's like everyone involved has Narcissistic Personality Disorder...

Wickedwildjoker6 2

The fact that you posted a “FML” trying to come off as a victim is ridiculous.

Sonotsuave 35

I don’t even need to say anything other than you’re a terrible person, YDI, and get the F off this site looking for sympathy because it ain’t here for you