Down the drain

By Are you f*cking kidding me? - 14/12/2022 12:00

Today, I found out that my boyfriend had a side chick for the last two years of our relationship. How? He started crying after she broke up with him to try and salvage her own marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 486
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm always impressed with people who manage 2 long-term relationships at once. They finding time and 2 date worthy people simultaneously. If only they used their powers for good...

That is so sad for you! Now your boyfriend is going to have to get everything from you. Be careful what you wish for...


That is so sad for you! Now your boyfriend is going to have to get everything from you. Be careful what you wish for...

I'm always impressed with people who manage 2 long-term relationships at once. They finding time and 2 date worthy people simultaneously. If only they used their powers for good...