
By Anonymous - 01/07/2009 03:25 - Australia

Today, I was supposed to work with this girl I really like, but I had the flu really bad. I really really wanted to see her so I forced myself out of bed and went to work feeling terrible but determined to see her face. When I got to work I asked where she was. She had called in sick with the flu. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 139
You deserved it 17 919

Same thing different taste


This is not sweet or cute. He could have gotten her sick at work! YDI for not staying at home when you should have.

Soitgoes74 0

YDI for being an asshole and going to work while sick, and probably getting at least one of your other coworkers sick. What? You thought you were going to impress her with your runny nose? By vomiting on her shoes? Pathetic.

how can someone use the word "really" four times in a one whole FML

If you're sick, STAY HOME. Don't spread the flu.

Icarus3 0

YDI for being so self-centered that you saw nothing wrong with exposing your entire office to the flu, all for the sake of seeing some girl! I'm glad SHE was smart enough to realize that when you're that sick, you don't go cavorting around infecting other people!

czarofandronia 0

lol u didn't think that maybe she might not enjoy working with u if u were mad sick right next to her? also, if u hadn't come in and she had, she would hve spent all day thinkin about u man... XD

HAN93 0

thats very romantic :) Even do u failed :/