Sex Ed is broken

By asnolt - 24/05/2011 22:29 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my sobbing teenage daughter why you can't get pregnant from masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 692
You deserved it 9 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments


you can get pregnant from a hand-job if it's given in a hot tub, cause of the water being warm enough for the sperm to travel in.

nisey3313 11

If that's true explain to me how the sperm knows that it needs to swim through the water and up the woman's ******

The chemicals and heat of water would kill the sperm. End of.

#123 If they taught you about types of birth control, that isn't an abstinence only program. You know what 'only' means, right?

theonlysweetpea 10

My mother gave me the talk at 3 years old. I had sex ed in 6th, 9th,

That's a reflection on you, sorry to say. You must be a loust parent if you cant talk to your child about the cycle of life. Your daughter deserves better than that, shame on you.

kc1997kc 9

how old is your daughter? clearly you need to have the talk, since she is clueless. I knew that and haven't taken sex Ed or had the talk, but if I didn't know that I would need the talk too! this is an epic fail.

theonlysweetpea 10

I never recieved a puberty talk though... Have you ever seen an episode of The Secret Life of the American Teenager?! Watch that

Parents MUST teach their kids about sex. I went to Catholic school, so all we got was abstinence because Catholics don't believe in using birth control. Imagine the disasters that could cause if parents don't teach their kids at home.

did you not let her learn at school through sex ed? As important as it is for a parent to teach their child, it's also important that you let them learn with kids their age, than it's not as embarrassing for them. My kids seem to do just fine and they've been learning about this at school since each of them were 9, and through LDS views. I've never had to talk to my kids about it. Also... teach her self-control. That in itself is SOO important!