Sex Ed is broken

By asnolt - 24/05/2011 22:29 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my sobbing teenage daughter why you can't get pregnant from masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 692
You deserved it 9 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments


life2007 0

she is a moron...congrats on way too much overprotecting and not teaching

um is she like five? people know everything about sex before sex Ed... I mean alot of people are sexually active before sex Ed.

kreichert 0

...and this is why it's mandatory to take Health...

Slythrr 0

what?! that's news! sike! hahahahhahaha


wow... didn't know we stilm had mothers like you on this earth. TEACH THIS POOR CHILD SOME STUFF !

nerwende_fml 0

Actually it's a guy. Just saying.

Igor_g5 0

In my opinion a man should not be discussing masturbation with his teenage daughter. Maybe just what I think.

nerwende_fml 0

No, that's the treatment for ignorance... By the way, how's your foster family doing?

oh.. seriously? :( no wonder im not geting pregnant!

pyrogirl6622 0

ok I think you went wrong somewhere because that's right up there with can't get knocked up on the first time you have sex.