School sucks

By I didn't let them down - 03/04/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my PE teacher was yelling at me because I got exhausted too quickly. As we neared the end of the exercise, he declared, "I will let y'all go early if [my name] doesn't give up halfway through this part." With all of the pressure on me, I forced myself to keep going. Then I promptly collapsed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 549
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's called "abuse of power." File a complaint with the principal and your Board of Education.

Genetically you may not be made for the exercise the teacher was pushing. I am made for endurance not for power. so weight lifting and short distance speed running is something I genetically can't do. But I excel at long distance running or exercises that take stamina and endurance. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do that. Heck, I walked out of track practice on my coaches for that crap. They came back later apologizing and adding me to return. You do the best you can and who cares what they say.


Genetically you may not be made for the exercise the teacher was pushing. I am made for endurance not for power. so weight lifting and short distance speed running is something I genetically can't do. But I excel at long distance running or exercises that take stamina and endurance. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do that. Heck, I walked out of track practice on my coaches for that crap. They came back later apologizing and adding me to return. You do the best you can and who cares what they say.

That's called "abuse of power." File a complaint with the principal and your Board of Education.

But you did it! Be proud of yourself Growth is not comfortable. messed up moments like this. help you develop as a person