Animal union

By Anonymous - 01/02/2023 10:00 - United States - San Diego

Today, I went to the zoo to see all of my favorite animals. When I got there, I realized they must've all been on strike or something, and refused to come out of their enclosures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 585
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have scaled the fence and gone to see them in their hidey-holes. Nothing bad could possibly happen. You paid to see animals -- you deserve to see animals!!

I used to live in San Diego - The zoo (in San Diego) and the wild animal park (in Escondido) are first class zoos. But when the weather is colder or rainy many of the animals native to warmer climates tend to stay in their sheltered areas and are less active. Pay attention to the weather, it influences the animals.


You should have scaled the fence and gone to see them in their hidey-holes. Nothing bad could possibly happen. You paid to see animals -- you deserve to see animals!!

I used to live in San Diego - The zoo (in San Diego) and the wild animal park (in Escondido) are first class zoos. But when the weather is colder or rainy many of the animals native to warmer climates tend to stay in their sheltered areas and are less active. Pay attention to the weather, it influences the animals.