Rules and regulations

By backseatbusted - 21/05/2013 16:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were getting intimate in the backseat of his car, when a police car pulled up behind us. My mom later told me that intimacy was fine, just not in a car. We were in the car because she told me that intimacy was fine, just not in her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 860
You deserved it 13 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

What makes you think the backseat of his car would've been a better option?

Intimacy is fine, OP, just nowhere on this planet, is what she's trying to tell you. But go ahead and find that place where it's fine.


besides. what dumbass camps in the front yard???

Apparently you aren't ready for intimacy since you don't have a proper place to do it.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

I'm aware that he said backyard.

caligirllife 11
xAttackAttackx 25

67- I believe Spongebob and Patrick had a fantastic time camping in their front yards.

You can not do that Sam I am, not on a boat, not on a train, not on a log, not in a plane. No you cannot do that Sam I am, so forget about it and eat your ham.

Cali_Michele21 6

Not really sure how in your car is public sex? I mean, if no one can see you, what's the problem?

All they have to do is roll up the windows, breathe really heavily until they hyperventilate so that the windows fog up, then go at it until the only indication that anyone is banging is the car shaking or hand prints in the condensation à la Rose from Titanic

A car has windows... Therefore it is indecent exposure. I wouldn't want to be walking through a parking lot with my kids and explain that to them.